about us

With over 16 years of operational experience in developing, improving and maintaining research Zebrafish facilities, the principal of Fishful Thinking, Bruce Newell has a broad knowledge base to work from. With more than 30 years as a professional aquarist, operating many different aquatic facilities and providing curation and design consulting services, the experience that Fishful Thinking carries is broad.
Fishful Thinking is proud to be the Asia Pacific distributor of the Planktovie Fish Gun

Our People

Bruce & Kathy Newell have been operating Aquatic businesses for over 3 decades.
originally keen hobbyists, the aquatic passion led to the couple forming service businesses and retail outlets, catering to the best of the aquatic trade. 
On the sale of their retail concerns Bruce undertook employment with Deakin University where he has been instrumental in the constant expansion and improvement of zebrafish research facilities.

Our Values

As a small family business we ensure personalized service that meets and exceeds your expectations.

We tailor each and every supply and transaction to meet your needs.

The importation of the Planktovie Fish Gun is just one aspect of how we can help.

Reach out for more information.

Quote here from Cameron Mackey at Melbourne University